
Roger Moorhouse: Historian and author

Roger Moorhouse

Historian and author specialising in modern German and Central European history.

“well, well, well, here we are”

Welcome to my blog – ‘historian at large’

I decided to set this up on a whim, and in a fit of vanity…

I hope to use it to air my views and vent my spleen on issues and events related to history, especially those in my area of specialism – World War Two in Europe, Nazi Germany and Central Europe.

I also aim to post a few of my old book reviews on here, to stimulate and inform (with luck)

About Me

I am 39 and a professional freelance historian, living in the UK. I was the co-author of “Microcosm” – the history of the Polish city of Wroclaw (the former German “Breslau”)

… and am the author of “Killing Hitler” (2006) – the first thorough-going study of the various attempts to kill Adolf Hitler. “Killing Hitler” is already in (I think) eight languages and the Spanish edition “Matar a Hitler” will be published later this week.

I am a regular commentator and book reviewer for the national and specialist press and have appeared a number of times on national television and radio. They keep inviting me back, so I imagine they must think I am vaguely presentable…

If you want to get in touch, please do. If you have any queries or requests, I will do my best to help out if I can.

In the meantime, check back regularly, and have a look at my books on Amazon… 😉